Thursday, August 28, 2008

Design + craft = bright future

How do I relate design and craft???
“Design is passion practiced with great discipline. Craft is discipline practiced with great passion.” And for sure combination of both will lead to a bright future in both the fields.
Design is in everything we make. It's a mix of craft, science, storytelling, aesthetic beauty and philosophy.
Crafts make us feel rooted to our country. It also connect us with our history. Our ancestors used to create these crafts out of necessity and today we mostly use it as a luxury item.
Craft silently talks about our history, tradition and culture. Being a designer it’s our duty to preserve them and not let them become extinct due to various factors such as lack of resources, lack of awareness, low demand, high price, design faults in case of functionality etc.

In today’s scenario the making of handcrafted products has become very tedious and time taking in relation to products that are mass produced. And this has become one of the major reasons why the younger generations of the craftspersons are opting for better jobs to earn fast money.

Craft provides opportunities for individual expression while design offers functionality and economies of scale.
The crafts persons are very skilled and they pay a lot of attention to very minute details. They also seek for perfection and precision in their respective crafts.
But where they are lacking behind is exposure to the outer world of new techniques and technologies, ideas and concepts, different materials etc. which can help them work better and faster. And I think this is where designers would help them get a better exposure to the outer world.

Almost all quality improvement comes via simplification of design, manufacturing... layout, processes, and procedures. Therefore design will help a craft to look into a new improvised dimension or vision.

There is a natural partnership between the two fields. And in future this partnership would definitely help in the growth of creativity, innovation, popularity, awareness etc. It would also help in exploring other materials, adoption of new methods and techniques as design would help in showing the practical world to the craftsperson.
Good design in future would definitely keep the user happy, the craftspersons earn a good name and last but not least the aesthetic part not getting offended.

Design will definitely help to bridge the gap between the crafts and identification of its importance. Design will also help in the process of socialisation of a particular craft.
Design combined with craft will give rise to new innovative products that would attract interests of many and resulting to rise in its popularity and demand that will lead to a bright future.

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