After a long reasearch on the WORLD ECONOMY, I observed that anything that happens in the world economy, be it Globalization or be it Global Warming, someone loses and someone gains. And the person who loses is already on the track of failure and the one who gains is already ahead. This creates Imbalance and Inequality in the world. Both, Loss and Gain existing together is termed as Oxymoron by me.
This piece tries to depict the loss and gain, both aspects of global warming. Global warming is a loss for humans as it creates an unfavorable climate for human beings to survive whereas it is a gain for plants and trees at an initial stage as it increases the carbon dioxide content in the atmosphere which is needed by them for making their food.
This piece tries to depict the loss and gain, both aspects of global warming. Global warming is a loss for humans as it creates an unfavorable climate for human beings to survive whereas it is a gain for plants and trees at an initial stage as it increases the carbon dioxide content in the atmosphere which is needed by them for making their food.
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